16 Mar 2024
I recently updated the site structure and style with the intent to have some fun, a of release from the pressures of the tidy, trendy form of design that is frankly, creating a kind of conformity amongst designers that stifles experimentation and innovation.
I'm a little exhausted with social media, the AI-powered enshittifcation of the internet. Everything is 'content', a duality where everything is fighting to maximise value yet cannot reach beyond a surface-level take that needs to capture attention within milliseconds or be forgotten.
I still love what I do day to day and very much about developing services that prioritise usability over an aesthetic rush, but for many of us, even our daily work has succumbed to templating, rigid design systems, and a general fear to explore something that could uniquely benefit the people we design for. We're all searching the same trends, falling into the same patterns of process and behaviour that results in outputs that are subdued and indistinguishable.
I'm taking a little break from social media and focusing more on how I can define a creative identity independent of what is expected of me as a UX designer in a turbulent, fragile industry. My website has always served as a playground for unapologetic ideas, and I had almost forgotten that at one point, trying to attain something that would 'convert' to favourable appoval and interview rounds.
Here's to planting one tiny seed to regrow an Internet that invites fun, weirdness, and individuality. We really need some of that, these days. I'll probably get bored of this current iteration but feeling more brave to try something that appeals to the imagineer within me!